R3P2 - 4-7-8 starting weight for R3 is 158.2

Thursday, December 13, 2007

higher dosage

Starting weight on this round: 172.8
Yesterday's weight 162.2
Today's weight 162.0
Overnight loss of .2lbs

The loss has been only .2 for three days in a row. I felt quite a bit better since using a higher dose yesterday and today. I'm aiming for 200IU and I'm feeling better with it. I haven't had any weakness but the hunger had been getting steadily worse. I've always had a little problem with hunger but nothing unmanageable. I find myself saving the grissini so that i can have something to munch on when it gets too bothersome. But today, I didn't need the second grissini. I had a portion of crock pot roast and broccoli for lunch with a grissini for a mid afternoon snack, and chicken celery soup for dinner. An orange for breakfast and applesauce for my after dinner snack. So as you can see I'm pretty much staying on protocol. I haven't really had a problem with "cheating" or eating forbidden items. Not much time today to write. I'm babysitting my 4 month old granddaughter who is not feeling well so she's a little fussy. She's calling to me right now as a matter of fact. So bye for now! No time to respond to the comments...


BizBuzz said...

No worries my sweet, thanks for giving us the update.

Interesting about the higher dosage.

I don't know if you have mentioned this before, but is this a set point for you?

Amy's Blog said...

I know how you must feel, but small losses aren't SO bad! You are chip, chip, chipping away! You really are making progress. So glad you found a way to make your hunger more manageable. I love chicken celery soup. It's one of my favorites! Hope your granddaughter feels better soon.

maryg911 said...

Hang in there!!! Any loss is a good loss!!