R3P2 - 4-7-8 starting weight for R3 is 158.2

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

FINAL P3 - DAY # 5 LIW + .6

LIW date (6-24-2008) 139.4

Today's weight 140.0

Okay, so far so good. I'm at day 5 and not too bad. My biggest challenge is that I'm in a training class all week at work and they keep putting out goodies on the table. So far the only thing legal is a small selection of fruit and some mixed nuts. The oatmeal cookies have been calling my name though, so I'm trying to ignore them. I've joined Biz's P3 bootcamp which has been very helpful. I login everyday and check in with my current weight. And I post my previous day's menu by giving my sparkpeople link. I tried both fitday and sparkpeople and decided sparkpeople worked better for me. It's a fun site with a tracker for nutrition, exercise, and your fluid intake, etc. It also has lots of forums for different interests and on your home page, you can put your pictures and keep a daily blog. There is a forum there for HCG dieters so if you want an easy to use forum, I would recommend this. But it's no replacement for the HCG forum where all of our blogger friends are located.

So take care people, I will post pictures as soon as I can get my daughter to take some for me...


Mary, don't worry... I'll keep checking on you and will give updates when I can!

Thanks Shelly! I'm so excited to go on to this next phase of my life. I'm loving how I look and feel! I still check on you all the time so please update your blog when you get a chance!