R3P2 - 4-7-8 starting weight for R3 is 158.2

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Going in the right direction again...

Starting weight on this round: 172.8
Yesterday's weight 166.0
Today's weight 165.8
Overnight loss of .2 lbs

So it's a teensy loss, but I have a feeling that tomorrow's will be better. It's late here, I didn't get possession of MY computer until a few minutes ago, since my husband was using it to do some Christmas shopping. He uses his work computer for most things but doesn't like to shop online with it. So he's finally done, but it's 10:15 pm here and I'm tired!
But the book club meeting was lots of fun. We had about 8 of us and that was including two women who very seldom come anymore so we had some catching up to do. It was really great seeing them again. We ended up not talking about the book much at all because there was so much that we all wanted to tell each other.
And I have to confess that I ended up wearing something that did NOT show off my weight loss very much. I wore some slim fitting slacks but I had a really cute red sparkly sweater that i ended up wearing with them and the sweater is kind of blousy and long so it kind of covered most of my backside. So nobody noticed my weight loss. It's funny but I think the loose sweater was probably my way of avoiding the attention along with the need for an explanation, but I also think I'm a little disappointed that nobody said anything. So don't ya just wish I'd make up my mind about how to feel about the whole issue? Ha Ha.
I did mess up on the food thing though, I intended to eat my protein part of my meal before the others arrived but never made it. So I put a little of everything on my plate and a whole bunch of tomatoes. (the veggie tray and dip was my contribution to the meal.) Then someone said how do you like the soup, and it was tomato basil, so I thought, hmmm, I'm eating tomatoes I could try it! So I take a couple of spoonfuls and say "wow, this is really good" and then the lady who brought it says "Yes it's great if you don't look at the fat content", and I literally stopped the spoon from going into my mouth with the third bite and pushed that bowl away! So by this time, I was very hungry and another woman had made a mushroom souffle so I did have a little bit of the egg part for some protein. (Yes, I know I don't do well with eggs, but it was just a few bites.) By that time I was just hoping I could get through the meal without someone else trying to push some food on me. So I think I did pretty well. We'll see if I can make my weight in the morning! I feel like I was actually too low on my calories for today which is unusual for me. I'm used to eating everything I'm allowed!

Amy, yes it's great having the house clean, except I have a confession. We had our carpets cleaned this morning and the only rooms that had been put back together completely were the one's that people would be seeing tonight. The bathroom, living room, dining room and kitchen. My room was still kind of a mess and the carpet was still wet in there. Then I caught one of the women coming out of there after using our master bathroom. I almost peed my pants! So I had to go into the wet carpet explanation that I was hoping to avoid! LOL! Talk about best laid plans!

Biz, this book club was started about 12 years ago right after Oprah started hers. One of my friends from work decided it would be fun. I was so happy because i'm a huge reader and I never had anyone to talk to about the books I was reading. A different person hosts the meeting each month and chooses a book for us to read. Then we meet at a restaurant of her choice for dinner and then either discuss the book there after dinner or go back to her house for the discussion. The Christmas meeting has always been a potluck at someones house just to make it a little more festive.

Bye for now, I'm going to check a few blogs and turn in.


BizBuzz said...

Again, looking at your circumstances you did just fine! Congrats on that one!

Your book club sounds FUN! I have an addiction with reading that I really have to keep in check or it takes over my life, seriously. I have cut down tremendously since I had my daughter! I will not put a book down. My life be damned! ROFL

maryg911 said...

I know what you mean about the baggy clothes. I myself still wear them and no one notices my weight loss. No big deal, spring is close by and everyone will see the new us!! How great is that? I send good vibes your way.

Amy's Blog said...

That's funny about the wet carpet story, but I bet they were impressed that the work had been done. So glad you had fun at the book club meeting. Thank goodness you found out about the soup before you ate the whole thing. About noticing weight loss, I find that people tend to think you look better without realizing that it's from weight loss. They may not have said anything, but I bet they perceived something good. The main thing is that you had a great time. Congrats on the loss! You are coming along well!