R3P2 - 4-7-8 starting weight for R3 is 158.2

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

VLCD Day # 38 - LIW for break - and I gained!

R3 P2 Starting weight on 4-7-8 158.2
Total loss for all 3 rounds 52.0 lbs.
Loss this round 12.2
Yesterday's weight 145.2
Today’s weight 146.0
Overnight GAIN of .8 lbs
LIW for 5 day break is 146.0

Oh *#$&#!*^& darn! I must confess to a couple of small deviations which I didn't think were that bad, but as you can see... I was making my grandson breakfast and he doesn't eat the crusts from his toast so of course I didn't want to waste food! LOL! But just a couple of crusts, jeeeze! And I skipped the grissini that i usually have with my lunch. But then I had a glass of wine before bed last night and it was probably (no, surely) too sweet. Actually it was the sweetest wine I've ever had. It was Lambrusco. And if you've ever had it, you know what I mean. So yes I was bad and yes, it shows!
This just means that my LIW is higher than it needs to be. But it is what it is. I'm going to continue on the VLCD for two more days which will be a total of 72 hours since this morning was my last injection. Then I'll be taking the red-eye to Florida on Wednesday night. And I'll be gone for 5 days, returning on Monday. I will probably start up again the Wednesday after memorial day unless I really feel the need to go right back on Tuesday.
Thanks for everyone who stopped by my blog today. And I'm sorry I've been spotty about visiting other blogs and I've completely neglected the forum. But I'll try to do better...


Jan, yes most of my grandkids live close, within 5 miles or so, except for the three in North Carolina. I have 8 all together!

Liz, so we won't cross paths after all! Oh well, hope you have fun! And good job on the grouting. It's hard work I know!

Biz, thanks for your vote of confidence, but I kind of blew it yesterday... Oh well I did good today so I should have a good loss in the morning.

Mary, you're too funny...

Wendy, yes the sunscreen is mandatory here. It's just a necessary evil! And dang it was hot today wasn't it? Hope you have a good week too.

Monica, the pool was only about 76 last week but this hot spell put it into the 80's so it's nice now! Especially feels good on these 100 plus days!

Jenn, yes I've got 8 of those little rugrats! I'm going to be gone for 5 days, but might take a 6 day break from VLCD...

B, Oh Florida is going to be HOT then, and so will you! Your DH is going to be so happy to see you!

Thanks Victoria!


BizBuzz said...

Gosh, as moms (and grandmas) it's so hard for us to see things go to waste, but if we don't throw them away, they will go to OUR WAIST! LOL

Still girl, you are at 146 - that is nothing to sneeze at. You will have a blast on your trip! Make sure you wave when you fly by ok?

triplejtb said...

Stay Cool Becca...the weight will be waiting for you when you get back from Florida..don't sweat it...


Burcu J said...

Don't beat yourself up my friend. the only thing that I miss soo bad on this protocol is cheese!!! I am a rat I love love love me some cheese, especially fine cheese not the cheap ones. lol.Enjoy your trip don't worry about the small gain. we have this protocol now we are set! you'll lose it in no time.
Love Ya